To whom is my offer addressed?
- Companies that strive for a strong WE feeling and an open and growth-oriented corporate culture
- Companies that want to introduce a certain cultural mindset (e.g. New Work Mindset)
- Managers and professionals for whom connecting communication skills are an essential tool of their field of work, because they want to use them to reach people and goals
- Employees with intensive contact to customers/clients and service providers
- Managers who want to initiate a sensitive change process in their company
- Teams that want to make their inter- and intradisciplinary communication fluent and efficient
What are the benefits of having a strong interpersonal connection within the organization?
Benefits of companies/teams whose members are connected by a clear, shared level of expertise and relationships:
- Employees are motivated, open and committed and remain loyal to the company for a long time
- Specialists and managers work together in a solution-oriented and efficient manner
- Information flows smoothly from A to B
- Employees can develop their potential to the maximum
- Employees are more satisfied and less likely to be ill
- Customers are more satisfied and remain loyal to the company longer
- The company develops an open, fear-free communication culture
- The company develops into an attractive employer brand (keyword: employer branding)
How can you recognize a connecting corporate culture?
- People and good interpersonal relationships are the focus of the managers
- Values that promote relationships are lived (appreciation, recognition, empathy, respect, openness, tolerance, diversity, trust ...)
- The dignity and value of fellow human beings are always respected and acknowledged, even in crisis situations
- Mistakes are seen primarily as opportunities for learning and growth
- Diversity means enrichment in terms of content and interpersonal skills, a "more" of everything
- Creativity and the development of potential are given the necessary space
- Employees are deployed in a strength- and potential-oriented manner
- Development areas are approached together with openness, empathy and a solution-oriented attitude.
Approaches and methods
- Insights and models from the field of Humanistic Psychology and Communication Psychology, including Schulz von Thun, Watzlawick, Satir, Cohn, Rogers and Riemann/Thomann
- Methods from cultural analysis and development (Graves Value System/Spiral Dynamics Integral)
- Interventions from systemic psychological counseling, coaching and mediation, systemic short-term therapy and transactional analysis
- Nonviolent communication according to Dr. Rosenberg
- Methods of feedback
- Psychology and processes in groups
- Beliefs and driver dynamics
- Nonverbal communication